i was once described
@i.c.o.p.y creates highly stylized digital artwork incorporating bold, bright colors and geometric shapes. The art has a graphic design quality to it and includes elements of pop and street art. The images often feature human figures, animals, and other organic forms, but are stylized and simplified to create a visually striking composition. Their work is distinctive and visually appealing, demonstrating a strong sense of design and color.
@i.c.o.p.y does not have a guiding theory or idea for their work as they find it to be a hinderance, however, a lot of their work is defined by the state they were in when they made it. Certain palettes come from certain states of mind but the correlation is always made a posteriori. Although reading into their work is okay in its own right, asking for i.c.o.p.y to verbalize their work is like asking them to verbalize their subconsciousness from the moment in which they were making said work, and mostly, they made the work because they had an itch to do so.
More than anything the they enjoy when viewers tell them what they sense, see, or feel from their works. They enjoy people seeing something in their work because at that moment the observer becomes the one who is being observed. It is a peek behind their life. As they perceive and observe the work and voice their ideas, i.c.o.p.y becomes an observer of them, where their personal insight into i.c.o.p.y's work serves as a way for the artist to understand them. It is as if their perspective, or the act of them sharing their perspective, causes the artist to become the person they profess their subconscious/unconscious to. The act of observing art is an art form itself. See what your mind wants you to see.
i.c.o.p.y ddoes all the graphic design work for the PCCM website as well as all its subsidiary sites. If you would like to fund i.c.o.p.y you can find their information below. If you would like a custom design feel free to click on their products and contact tab in the footer of the webpage.